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1996 Editorial Index

AIR CONDITIONING AND COOLING “Tips and Trends for Coolant Recycling,” Feb., pg. 60 “A/C Retrofit Update,” May, pg. 36 BUSINESS AND MARKETING “How to Get a Yes from Your Banker,” Feb., pg. 33 “Big Brother Sees All,” March, pg. 28 “Perfectly Prompt Payments,” April, pg. 20 “Don’t Get Roped In with the Rest – Try

Set on Vettes

The Chevrolet Corvette is an American icon recognized the world over for its outstanding performance and handling prowess.

Partnering With A Paint Company

With so many paint-company partnership programs in the marketplace, making a decision which – if any – to join can be a confusing and time-consuming decision.

Centennial Celebration: 100 Years

From the horseless carriages of the early 1900s to the chromed-up hot rods of the ’50s to the alternately fueled vehicles of today and tomorrow, the automobile has experienced 100 years of transformation.

Masking Methods

Masking a vehicle in preparation for painting typically takes more time than does the actual painting – which means a good masking technique is one of the real secrets of the professional-refinisher’s trade.

Think BIG

The honeymoon was definitely over when Darryl "The Moose" Johnson returned to a demolished home. The Dallas Cowboys fullback, while vacationing with his bride, was having a tree removed from his yard. Taking the tree out in sections, a 195,000-pound crane picked up a hunk too large to hold, swung to the center of the

Insurance Involvement

The collision-repair industry has seen many on-going changes. One aspect of change has been the growing involvement of insurance companies in the industry. We asked body shop owners and managers across the nation the following questions: “How
do you feel about the growing involvement of insurance companies”.
in the collision-repair business?" and "Has it affected
your labor rates? If so, how?"