2013, Here We Come - BodyShop Business

2013, Here We Come

Here's to another year of the most up-to-date information on the world of collision repair.

The New Year is upon us, and if you read my December column, I’m sure you have all done your planning and are working at attaining the goals that you have set for yourselves and your businesses. That is no small task, and if you have already done it, my hat is off to you. If not, there is still time to look at what you want to do and make a plan. As the ad says, “Just Do It.”

In the publishing business, it’s imperative that we plan out a year in advance. That gives us the ability to have the best editorial available for you from the most knowledgeable sources. Of course, we also need to have the flexibility to add in pertinent stories on issues that crop up throughout the year. We all know in this business and economy that there will be lots of changes and hot topics during the year.

You can count on BodyShop Business to be on the scene and have the most up-to-date information to help you run your business. That’s why we have someone at all major industry events and regularly attend the Collision Industry Conference (CIC). If you’re looking for up-to-date information, visit us on the Web at BodyShopBusiness.com or sign up for our newsletter. In addition, all previous content from past issues is available free of charge on the website. We feel it is our job to be the best resource possible for our readers. We make it our mission to constantly bring you the latest products, procedures and trends in our industry.

This year, we have a jam-packed lineup covering everything from cycle time to succession planning and everything in between. Technical articles will cover subjects like: curing technologies, hybrid material construction, radar sensing and, of course, waterborne/low-VOC updates. If you need to know about it, you can count on us to have the information you need. Whether you’re a single store owner or a multiple shop operator, you’ll find relevant and productive information on our pages.

However you choose to get your information – magazine, Web or enewsletter – we have you covered. If you have a particular subject you would like to read more about, just drop Jason Stahl or myself a note and we can research it for a future article. Thanks for being a loyal reader, and have a great 2013!

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