Farewell, 2013 - BodyShop Business

Farewell, 2013

The year was a challenging one, and next year will be no different. Rest assured that BodyShop Business will continue to bring you all the collision-related information you need.

It’s hard to believe 2013 is over. Where does the time go? Every month, I have the privilege of writing this column for you here in BodyShop Business, and I appreciate you, our loyal readers, for reading us.

The year was a challenging one filled with many changes. Next year will be no different. Rest assured that the one constant will be our commitment to bring you all the collision-related information you need on a timely basis and the way you want it.

In 2014, we will have a completely new look on the electronic side with more innovative and creative ways to deliver information to you. Our website will be all-new, and there will be a new electronic version of the monthly publication. Also, there will be more video and smartphone applications. There has never been a more exciting time to be in the information business, and we are committed to staying out in front for you, our readers. Watch for announcements as all the new offerings become available.

I can tell you what won’t change: our dedication to being at every collision-related industry event and reporting the happenings to you. All the new technologies make this process fast and efficient. You will know very quickly what new equipment and procedures are available to improve your shop’s efficiency and bottom line.

This is an excellent time to think back over the year and evaluate what worked and what didn’t. Plan to do the things that worked in 2014 and tweak the others. Don’t let the New Year arrive without some evaluation and planning.

Now is a great time to give back. We are all very lucky to have a business that is essential. It may be changing, but it continues to be a part of the American economy. That’s more than many can say right now. Pick someone or some group and give a little back. Maybe it’s not money, but possibly time or talents. It will make the New Year more meaningful. Try doing it as an organization. It will improve your team’s attitude.

Thank you for being a loyal BodyShop Business reader. We here at the magazine wish all of you, your employees and their families happy holidays and a prosperous New Year. See you in 2014!

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