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What are the Roles of the Collision Repairer, Insurer and Customer?

Collision repairers generally take on far too much responsibility in their customer’s repair, including negotiating the cost of repair. So let’s review the various roles and responsibilities in an insurance-related repair.

AASP/MA Rallies Members Against Damaged Recycled Parts

AASP/MA is urging Massachusetts collision repairers to file complaints with the state’s Auto Damage Appraiser Licensing Board (ADALB) when they receive original insurance estimates that include damaged recycled parts.

AASP/MA Announces New Executive Director and Administrative Assistant

AASP/MA has announced that Evangelos “Lucky” Papageorg will be their new executive director and administrative assistant, and Thomas Greco Publishing, Inc., will perform administrative duties.

Can Auto Body Shops Survive Without Lying, Cheating and Stealing?

Is it possible to run a body shop without lying, cheating and stealing?

Cost Shifting in Auto Body Estimating Is Bad Business

Not getting paid properly? Cost shifting is not the solution, and is just plain bad business.

Federal Court Sides with Body Shops in Appeal of State Farm Price-Fixing Decision

Eight collision repairers that are suing State Farm for allegedly fixing prices and steering consumers to DRP shops have won their appeal in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit, giving new life to their case.

Weighing the Merits of the Appraisal Clause

Is the appraisal clause still a viable strategy for consumers and body shops to resolve cost disputes with insurers? Two collision consultants offer different views.

Reader’s Choice: How Do You Respond to, ‘We Don’t Pay for That?’

In a normal business world, the statement “We don’t pay for that” could never and probably would never be made. But our world is far from perfect, so let me walk you through my mindset when faced with that answer…or should I say “non-answer.”

State Farm Policyholder Voices Displeasure Over Repair

In an email dated March 14th to media members and State Farm executives, “Erin” spoke of the disappointment, pain and frustration with the claims process after she received what she felt were substandard repairs at a State Farm Select Service shop.

The Great Divide

The division among shops on how to properly repair a vehicle today is too great. Just because there are many different ways to repair a vehicle doesn’t mean you should try some of them.