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No Scuff ’n Shoot Here

The mindset that car refinishing is easy seems to be spreading throughout the industry. But there are no shortcuts to perfect paint jobs, and thorough prep work is essential to a lasting, quality repair.

Re-Inventing Collision Repair

DCR Systems is using standard operating procedures to drive consistency, quality and continuous improvement.

Strategies to Stretch Profit Margins

Your options for increasing profit margins are limited when a vendor supplies you with the part, material or service. Instead, focus on improving the one profit margin you do have direct control over: labor.

The $665 Question

What’s dirty paint work cost you each month?

Even ‘Know It Alls’ Need Training

Take it from a reformed Mr. Know-It-All: You don’t know what you don’t know — so training is vital to staying ahead in an ever-changing industry.

Build a Better Mousetrap, and the World Will Beat a Path to Your Door

7 strategies for quality-driven shops to maintain profitability in a marketplace fixated on “fast” and “cheap.”

Itemizing Estimates: Where Do We STOP?

If you’ve been involved in this industry as long as (or longer than) I have, you may still remember the days when handwritten estimates were a way of life and computers and computerized estimating systems were still just Buck Rogers science fiction. Since estimates were handwritten back then, they were often as few lines as

Stop Pushing & Pulling

Put an end to pushing and pulling cars through the production process by implementing a consistent workflow through the metal department. The payoff: fast, quality repairs – the first time out.

Is Your Shop Sick? The Preventative Approach

If you want your shop to have a long (and profitable) life, it needs to periodically see a shop doc.

Get Buff

When, why and how to color sand and buff.