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Made in Taiwan

You know that aftermarket parts come from Taiwan, but do you know what specific companies those parts come from? Probably not. But you will. For the next few months, we’ll take a look at several of the key Taiwanese A/M parts manufacturers.

Class Action Re-Action: Snider vs. State Farm Verdict

The Snider vs. State Farm verdict got the attention of repairers, insurers, consumers … and many, many lawyers — who didn’t waste any time filing copycat lawsuits. But with the spotlight now on insurance companies, should shops also be concerned?

Guilty! State Farm to Pay $1.19 Billion

When the jury for the aftermarket parts trial against State Farm awarded the plaintiffs $456 million and the judge ruled the insurance giant committed fraud and awarded the plaintiffs an additional $730 million, some people cheered, some people jeered and others shed tears. But how will all this ultimately affect consumers — and repairers?

Repairing the Crash-Parts Market

The situation with replacement crash parts may be a bit of a wreck, but it’s not a total loss. What’s considered a pile of unwanted sheet metal and plastic by many repairers could be turned into a more favorable and profitable alternative to OE parts — if the industry can quit complaining and learn to communicate.

Is Your Shop Lost? Estimators and Knowledge Go Together

A solid estimate is the road map to quality repairs and higher profits. But if your estimator isn’t knowledgeable enough, he could steer your shop in the wrong direction.

Working Designs: Bodyshop Layouts

More equipment and more space won’t automatically yield more profit. Productivity and profitability are just as much functions of managment as they are physical capacity.

Streamlining the Industry

Collision repair has been a fragmented and inefficient industry for years — but consolidators are hoping to change all that.

Why Mechanical Repairs?

Collision repairs happen “by accident”, but success doesn’t. Quit praying for hail and start considering what mechanical services you can offer your customers

The History of Spraybooths

We’ve gone from painting cars next to an open window – using a paint brush – to high-tech booths smarter than we are. How’d this happen?

The Heat Is On

The use of heat to dry paint is a hot topic these days.