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32 Steps to Painless, Profitable Plastic Repair

Many repairers pass on plastic repair and instead, opt to replace, sending an easily repairable part to the landfill. Why?

PDR: The Urban Legend of Body Repair Revealed

Back in ’80s, strange tales circulated about paintless dent repair techs’ “magically” disappearing dents. As the rumors grew, I convinced myself that these guys were dabbling in the black arts. (If not, then why all the secrecy, huh?) But when I got tired of losing work to them, I decided to take my chances and learn the skill myself.

Inside Your Body Shop Spraybooth

Stumped by what’s going on inside your spraybooth? Can’t figure out why your paint work isn’t premo? You’re not alone. Check out this reader Q&A, and you just might find the answers you need.

Fiasco-Free Quarter-Panel Replacement

I was 17 and knew all there was to know … at least that’s what I thought until my first quarter-panel replacement. I learned from that disaster, and you can, too – by following these 19 steps.

What Lies Beneath: Good Surface Prep

Is a poorly prepared surface lurking under that shiny new paint job, just waiting for the right time to peel and to turn your life into comeback hell? If so, you’ve only got yourself to blame. The steps for proper surface prep haven’t changed. You just need to tart following them.

Auto Body Paint: Solvent Popping

Solvent popping occurs when trapped solvent expands and breaks through the applied paint film. Because there’s no quick fix (you need to remove all of the affected product from the vehicle), the best strategy is prevention.

Stick With It

Repairers across the country are utilizing adhesive bonding technology for panel replacement. If you’re ready to give it a try, these step-by-step instructions will show you how.

There’s a Right Way … and There’s a Wrong Way

Paint-shop best practices.

Does Your Shop Measure Up?

Techs working to beat the clock often skip the measuring process. But if you add a separate line to your estimate for the setup of the measuring system in addition to the setup of the vehicle on the frame machine, some of your techs might be more willing to knock the dust off the old measuring system once and awhile.

Out of Retirement: Full-framed Vehicles

Just when you thought they were gone for good, MJ, bell bottoms and full-framed vehicles are back. Though Jordan can still score 40 points per game and bell bottoms are still … scary, today’s full frames aren’t the same as the ones produced in the past. And the repair procedures aren’t the same either. by

Putting the Squeeze on Repairs

I’ve been the not-so-proud owner of four spot welders because I’m cheap. Though I wanted all the benefits of a top-quality welder, I didn’t want to pay for top quality. Learn from my mistakes … please.

Clean Up your Act

That tiny spec of dirt in your paint job costs you a lot more time and money to remove than it would have to prevent it. In The Big Book of Painting, page 2,344, paragraph 6, the author explains “The Rule of Dirt”: “All dirt comes to you. But from where? you sayeth. I sayeth,