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How to Fix Rust on Cars, Trucks

As you read this, a vehicle somewhere is rusting. And although rust repair isn’t for everyone, a shop owner somewhere is profiting from it. Could that shop owner be you?

A New Profit Center: You

Now that you understand the theory behind how professionals get paid for their hard-earned knowledge and expertise, it’s time to apply it to your business.

Going Multiple

If you add facilities for the wrong reasons or without thoroughly understanding what you’re getting into, you may end up with multiple headaches instead of multiplied success.

Don’t Forget The Cooling System!

To ensure all damage is diagnosed in a front-end collision, technicians need to conduct a thorough inspection of the cooling system.

The History of Spraybooths

We’ve gone from painting cars next to an open window – using a paint brush – to high-tech booths smarter than we are. How’d this happen?

One-Track Mind to Success

Focus on Body Shops of America…..

No Bonding Allowed

It wasn’t long ago that the only choice a repair technician had to replace a quarter panel, roof or door skin was to cut it off and weld it back on.

Fighting Fraud

Bring up the subject of fraud and most people within hearing distance will turn tail and run the other direction.

Electrical Troubleshooting

Whether you’re working on a vehicle just involved in a collision or repairing one with a reoccurring electrical problem, a familiarity with strategy-based diagnostic flow charts
is critical.

Utilizing Your Air Compressor

It would be hard to imagine a body shop that could work without compressed air. In fact, it could be said that the heart of your shop’s production lies in your air compressor
– a sometimes misunderstood and often neglected unit.