PPG Hosts Successful Conference for Platinum Distributors - BodyShop Business

PPG Hosts Successful Conference for Platinum Distributors

Conference took place Feb. 20-23, 2014, in Scottsdale, Ariz., and saw a record turnout of attendees.

PPG Automotive Refinish hosted a successful conference in February for its Platinum distributors at the Westin Kierland Resort & Spa in Scottsdale, Ariz. The four-day event  had a record turnout of attendees and played host to numerous breakout sessions, speakers, the Platinum Awards Ceremony and Banquet, and a theme party to close out the weekend.

Breakout sessions covered a range of topics, including color, waterborne products, collision products and business solutions. Attendees had the opportunity to get a first look at new products and training programs that PPG will roll out to shops in the upcoming months.

PPG placed emphasis on continuing to expand its waterborne segment, as more than 9,600 North American shops are using this particular type of paint. PPG is investing in the continual development of waterborne primer, clearcoat and sealer.

Friday’s Platinum Awards Ceremony and Banquet honored dozens of distributors with various awards. Attendees were treated to a fantastic meal and entertainment.

After learning about optimizing profitability from Texas A&M’s Dr. Barry Lawrence, distributors witnessed a candid yet impressive speech on Saturday morning from keynote speaker and renowned basketball coach Bob Knight. Breakout sessions continued throughout the day, followed by a classic rock-themed dinner party, complete with performances by former members of Kansas, Journey, Boston and Lynyrd Skynyrd.

The following slideshow contains a photo recap of the event. For more information on the PPG Platinum program, click here.

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