What Are the Steps I Need to Take to Get on a DRP? - BodyShop Business

What Are the Steps I Need to Take to Get on a DRP?

I just started open my auto body shop business, and although I'm getting some work off the street, I would really like to get on a direct repair program. Do you know what steps I need to take or requirements I need to meet prior to applying for these programs?

I just started my auto body shop business, and although I’m getting some work off the street, I would really like to get on a direct repair program. Do you know what steps I need to take or requirements I need to meet prior to applying for these programs?

Asked by Yesenia Perez, Saltillo Auto Body Shop, Summit, Ill.

Hi, Yesenia – Thanks so much for writing! As far as wanting to get on insurance programs to jump-start your body shop, I would suggest you read the following article called, "Targeting a DRP":


The writer of this article, Hank Nunn, is a long-time contributor to BodyShop Business and an expert in how to run a collision repair business.

This article will tell you all you need to know to get on a direct repair program with an insurance company. Best of luck!

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