The Collision Centers of New York and Toys for Tots Give Children a Special Christmas

The Collision Centers of New York and Toys for Tots Give Children a Special Christmas

The MSO's five stores had collection boxes at each shop and served as designated drop-off centers for those customers who wanted to drop off toys for underprivileged children.

The Collision Centers of New York announced that it partnered with Toys for Tots this Christmas to provide underprivileged children with the toys they so desperately want that they may not be able to afford.

The Christmas season is all about joy, love and giving, but unfortunately not everyone feels that during the holidays. Many children can go without presents because their family must use their funds on necessities, but that does not take away from the fact that all children want and deserve that special toy.

The Toys for Tots organization’s goal is to bring the joy of Christmas to each child in the U.S. by uniting the community for a single cause and collecting unwrapped toys. The Collision Centers made a promise to live up to the Toys for Tots goal to “deliver, through a new toy at Christmas, a message of hope to less fortunate youngsters that will assist them into becoming responsible, productive, patriotic citizens.” The MSO and its five locations spread throughout Suffolk County from Huntington to Riverhead had a collection box at each shop and served as designated drop-off centers for those customers who wanted to drop off toys.

With the help of employees and customers, The Collision Centers were able to fill the boxes up and ship them out to Toys for Tots. With the gifts they were able to collect, Collision Center believes they have made a small impact in a child’s Christmas.

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