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When OSHA Comes A Knockin’

An OSHA inspection is something nightmares are made of. And for one New Jersey shop owner, the nightmare was reoccurring because OSHA kept coming back, and back, and back …

The Road Ahead

It doesn’t take a fortune teller to predict the future — the challenges awaiting shop owners aren’t a mystery. The mystery is whether or not shop owners will prepare for tomorrow’s challenges.

Going Head to Head: Changing your Thinking

If single-shop operators want to compete with consolidators and multiple-shop entities, they’re going to have to change their Mom-and-Pop mentality.

Consolidators Aren’t The Enemy

With consolidation comes change and a chance to learn new ways to improve your business — or sell your business, if that’s what you’re looking to do.

Window of Opportunity? Glass Installation…

If you thought glass installation would be a simple, trouble-free profit center, think again. Properly replacing glass is just as complicated as properly repairing collision

Insurers: Cowboys At Heart?

Some insurers are rounding up consumers and steering them out of shops like herds of cattle – leaving many shop owners to ask: “Where’s the beef?”

Optimizing Your Booth

A new spraybooth will solve some – but not all – of your problems. Learn what booth manufacturers suggest to get the most from your new purchase

Don’t Forget The Cooling System!

To ensure all damage is diagnosed in a front-end collision, technicians need to conduct a thorough inspection of the cooling system.

The Road of Success

Focus on Dick’s Body Shop……

Knowledge is Power

Question: What are you doing to inform consumers
about their rights when it comes to repairing collision damage?
Most states require, in writing, a disclosure regarding aftermarket
parts. But do you take this a step further and verbally explain
how aftermarket parts may affect the repair process?